What is Club Penguin?

There are many rooms in Club Penguin! One of the most popular and most crowded room is the Town.
There are two rooms that are hidden and can't be walking through.They are the Dojo and Ice Berg. There are many rooms in Club Penguin and some only appears in Parties so check everyday.
The Chat Bar
The Chat Bar is the most important thing in Club Penguin. You can speak, make emotes, dance, walk and more.
1) Messages: Messages given by Club Penguin for penguin to use.(Mostly used by Safe Chat Penguins)
2) Emotes: It shows emotions you an use to show your feelings.
3) Actions/Moves: Penguins can wave, dance and sit.
4) Snowball: You can throw snowball anywhere.
5 & 6) Chat Bar: This used to write your own words. (Only for Standard Chat Penguins)
7) Edit Player/Penguins: To edit your cloth, background, pins and view awards you earned.
8) Buddies: View your buddies or ignore list and penguins at same room.
9) Your Igloo: Click to visit your igloo.
10) Account Info: To see what server you are in, how old is your penguin and you can mute music.
News and Mails
Every week club penguin releases a newspaper which you can read and also you can send to penguins mails and receive mails to penguins to view the news and Mails click on the small news and mail on the upper left.
Here is an example of the news:
Here is an example of Mails:
Every single penguins gets an igloo when they start. You can enter your igloo by clicking on the igloo icon in the Chat Bar!
If you want to edit your igloo click on the tape measure on the lower right of the screen icon.
After that, five icons will appear.
The upper on the musical disk icon. If you click in it you can change music of your igloo by the music available and you can make your own music.
If you click on the cartons, the items you bought and add items to your igloo.
If you click on the furniture book icon, then the current furniture catalog will appear!
And if you click on the igloo icon the igloo catalog will pop out!
After you finished editing click on the disk to save your changes.
There are many events Club Penguin that takes places every month with many cool themes
Example: April Fool
Sub-marine Party
Be sure to cheat my blog for new events in Club Penguin.
Anniversary Parties
Every 24th October Club Penguin celebrate the anniversary of Club Penguin in one day that is 24th October and the celebration is only in the coffee shop where you can obtain rare hat parties.(The third anniversary party was in the whole town.)
Coffee Shop
You can buy puffles from the Pet shop in the Plaza.
There are 10 different kinds of Puffles in Club Penguin. Last one discovered brown puffle.
You can buy furniture and food for puffles by clicking in the furniture catalog:
Club Penguin Characters
The Famous Penguins are:
1) Rockhopper (The Pirate and sailor of Club Penguin)
2) Aunt Arctic (Writer of Club Penguin News)
3) Gary the Gadget Guy (The inventor of Club Penguin)
4) Cadence (DJ)
5) Penguin Band (Official Band)
6) Rookie (Secret Agent)
If you want deep information about famous penguin. Click here.
Its hard to find them due to the fact there is many servers with many rooms which makes it hard for penguins to find. But if you follow trackers and chats you will probably find them.(Don't forget to pick up the backgrounds.
You can be many things in club penguin tour guide, secret agent, Ninja, Fire Ninja and Water Ninja. Click on the links for guides of each role.
Here are some pictures of the Secret agent:
Club Penguin has many different catalogs. The most known catalog is the cloth catalog in the Gift shop that can be entered through the Town. This is the only cloth that changes every month.
Make sure to check the blog for the new catalog and hidden clothes.
Penguins can be member by clickign on the membership in the official page of club penguin.
They can choose for how many month they want to be member and the method.
Member penguins can edit their cloth, igloo and many other things and enter more rooms in parties.
Moderators of Club Penguin
There are many moderators in club penguin but the offical founder of Club Penguin is Rsnail (Full-name RocketSnail).1) Rsnail
2) Billybob (The most famous moderator after rsnail)
3) ScreenHog
4) Gizmo